
Pneumatic-mechanical flotation tank cells

The RIVS Company produces pneumatic-mechanical tank flotation cells with a chamber capacity from 5 cubic meters up to 300 cubic meters, which are intended for processing of non-ferrous and rare metal ores by the foam flotation method.


  • increase the speed of foam removal due to reducing the area of the foam mirror;
  • automated control of the chamber capacity;
  • the aeration unit and the configuration of the bottom part of the chamber create effective hydrodynamic conditions;
  • protection against abrasive wear by lining;
  • automated system for keeping the pulp level and air flow rate supplied to the chamber within the specified limits;
  • automated control over the removal of the foam product;
  • bottom valves are pneumatically operated for rapid and reliable control of the pulp level.

The technical characteristics of tank flotation cells can be found by downloading the presentation below.


Customer cases

Nikolaevskaya processing plant

Nikolaevskaya processing plant

Reconstruction of the plant without stopping production, introduction of the automated process control system.
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