
Patents and licenses

The RIVS Company develops project documentation and performs the functions of the General designer on the basis of a Certificate of admission to a certain type or types of work affecting the safety of capital construction projects SRO-P-012-358-01 dated 06.02.2017 issued by self-regulating organization of RPE “Soyuzpetrostroy-Project”.

The company has implemented an integrated management system for compliance with the following standards:

  • ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015) “Quality management system. Requirements”;
  • ISO 14001-2016 (ISO 14001:2015) “Environmental management system. Requirements”;
  • OHSAS 18001:2007, GOST R 12.0.230-2007 “Occupational safety and health management systems. Requirements”

The equipment developed by RIVS group passes quality assurance (certification or declaration) for compliance with the requirements of the Customs Union and other standards.

The company has the exclusive right of the patent holder to intellectual property objects - more than 60 active patents for inventions in the mining and processing industry in the field of enrichment technologies and hydrometallurgy, automation systems, testing and analytical control.

Customer cases

Nikolaevskaya processing plant

Nikolaevskaya processing plant

Reconstruction of the plant without stopping production, introduction of the automated process control system.
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