
Nikolaevskaya processing plant

Nikolaevskaya processing plant

Reconstruction of the plant without stopping production, introduction of the automated process control system.

Metals: Cu, Pb, Zn
Year: 2011 to 2019
Country: Kazakhstan

RESEARCH. Technological regulations were developed for reconstruction of the beneficiation plant for processing ores of current production with the introduction of new technological lines. The recovery of copper to copper concentrate and zinc to zinc concentrate was increased, and the recovery of gold to copper concentrate was maintained while the content of zinc, lead, and gold in the source ore fell.

DESIGN. The working project for reconstruction of the beneficiation plant was developed.

EQUIPMENT. Supply of the RIF flotation machines for new production lines, as well as replacement of outdated flotation equipment. Automation systems were installed to stabilize the pulp level and air flow, as well as CDS- chemical dosing station, etc. At the plant the automatic process control system APCS-RIVS was introduced.

Customer cases

Ingulets mineral processing plant

Ingulets mineral processing plant

Two-stage turnkey construction of a 6.0 million ton magnetite concentrate flotation finishing unit.
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