
Mining and Metallurgical Plant Kazakhaltyn

Mining and Metallurgical Plant Kazakhaltyn

Reconstruction of Aksu, Bestobe and Zholymbet gold recovery factories.

Metals: Au
Year: 2017
Country: Kazakhstan

RESEARCH. Development of technological regulations for processing gold-containing ores from the Bestobe, Aksu, and Zholymbet deposits.

DESIGN. Development of basic technological solutions; audit of working projects for construction of beneficiation plants for treating man-made mineral formations. Development of a project for complex technical re-equipment of Aksu, Bestobe,  Zholymbet gold recovery factories. Audit performance of research and technological regulations for processing MMMF (man-made mineral formation) products of Aksu, Bestobe, and Zholymbet gold recovery factories

EQUIPMENT. Contact tanks and flotation machines of the RIF brand with a volume from 1m3 to 20m3 were delivered, as well as the CDS-RIF chemical dosing station

Customer cases

Uchaly mineral processing plant

Uchaly mineral processing plant

Reconstruction of the Uchaly mineral processing plant with increase in productivity to 6.5 million tons of ore per year.
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