Reconstruction of Aksu, Bestobe and Zholymbet gold recovery factories.
Metals: Au
Year: 2017
Country: Kazakhstan
RESEARCH. Development of technological regulations for processing gold-containing ores from the Bestobe, Aksu, and Zholymbet deposits.
DESIGN. Development of basic technological solutions; audit of working projects for construction of beneficiation plants for treating man-made mineral formations. Development of a project for complex technical re-equipment of Aksu, Bestobe, Zholymbet gold recovery factories. Audit performance of research and technological regulations for processing MMMF (man-made mineral formation) products of Aksu, Bestobe, and Zholymbet gold recovery factories
EQUIPMENT. Contact tanks and flotation machines of the RIF brand with a volume from 1m3 to 20m3 were delivered, as well as the CDS-RIF chemical dosing station
Reconstruction of the Uchaly mineral processing plant with increase in productivity to 6.5 million tons of ore per year.
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