
Pump-hydrocyclone unit automation

The automated hydrocyclone unit is designed to control the technological process of classification in hydrocyclone units in the cycles of the ore reduction of mineral resources.

The system provides maximum performance for the finished class of the ore reduction unit; energy consumption is optimized by regulating the circulating load in the circuit.

 The unit provides as follows:

  • control of the grinding quality by regulating the discharge density of hydrocyclones by supplying water to the sump;
  • regulation of the pulp pressure in feeding of the cyclones through changes in the number of the operating hydraulic cyclones;
  • stabilization of the pulp level in the sump by changing the pump performance;
  • automatic start and stop of the unit, synchronized with the state of the associated process equipment.

Technical specifications are given in the presentation below.


Customer cases

Rubtsovskaya processing plant

Rubtsovskaya processing plant

Technical re-equipment of the Rubtsovskaya processing plant without stopping production.
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